Cycle Stratford Ride Ahead Policy
Cycle Stratford club rides are enjoyed by cyclists of different skill and fitness levels. A key club focus is to ensure rides are safe, recreational and promote good sportsmanship.
Ride leaders, and sweeps keep track of the group on a particular ride, ensuring everyone completes the ride safely. Cycle Stratford rides do not use a strict formation such as a pace line or other formation. No minimum or top speeds are enforced, however the ride leader is responsible for all riders and has the authority to decide if a rider is not ready to ride at the speed of the leader’s group. This rider may be advised to bike with a different group more suited to his/her ability.
Prior to departing on a ride, the group of riders must agree upon and understand the route they will be riding on. It is important for riders to understand the route distance and what will be required of them to complete the route. If a rider is unsure if they can complete the route they must make their voice heard to ensure the group can adjust the route, or the rider switches to a different group.
Cycle Stratford long distance ride groups naturally spread out on the country roads and a series of checkpoints help ensure riders periodically check in with the ride lead and sweep. Checkpoints ensure all riders are safe and accounted for even when the group spreads out.
Before departing on a long distance ride, the following key items must be confirmed by all riders.
Rider count confirmed?
Route discussed and all participants acknowledge understanding?
Initial Checkpoint agreed upon and all participants acknowledge understanding?
Anyone planning to depart the ride early?
Final checkpoint agreed upon or will be defined during the ride?
At each checkpoint, riders must wait for all participants in the ride to reach the checkpoint before departing. If, after 10 minutes any participant has not reached the checkpoint, a member with a cell phone must retrace the route until the missing ride is found, or contacted via emergency contact means. The rider retracing the route must have the ride leader’s permission and contact information (ideally cell phone number) to advise the leader as to the status of the route retrace.
If only the initial checkpoint was defined before leaving for the ride, at that checkpoint riders must agree on the next checkpoint and ensure all riders understand where the checkpoint is. If the checkpoint is identified as the ‘Final Checkpoint’ the final checkpoint location serves as the official end of the group ride and members are free to depart in their desired direction. It is important to note that the Cycle Stratford ride insurance ends at the final checkpoint, not when the rider reaches their destination.
Ride On!